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Leukemia Treatment

Leukemia Treatment

Leukemia is cancer of the bone marrow and blood. It results from an uncontrolled build-up of blood cells. There are 4 common types of leukemia. Chronic is mature cells that grow slowly. Acute refers to less developed cells that grow fast.

• Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML) - the most common type of leukemia in adults
• Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) - the 2nd most common type of leukemia
• Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) - the 3rd most common type of leukemia
• Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) - the least common type of leukemia (primarily affecting children)

Leukemia treatment is very challenging. Chemotherapy is the most effective method of leukemia cancer treatment. Various anticancer drugs are used, usually in combination. In general, treatment for AML uses higher doses of chemotherapy over a shorter period of time. Treatment for ALL involves lower doses of chemotherapy over a longer period of time.

CML is one of the great recent success stories in cancer therapy. Knowing the exact genetic change in CML allowed doctors to design a drug to combat it. This "leukemia pill," called Tasigna, has revolutionized CML treatment. The price of Tasigna is approximately $ 5700 per month.

Advances in therapy for CLL also are based on more knowledge of the disease. Many patients with CLL do not require surgery, while others require fairly mild treatment. Unfortunately, a few still have more aggressive disease and need more therapy.

The cost of leukemia treatment can be overwhelming. For instance, chemotherapy is quite costly and also requires comprehensive support and after care treatment, which can include special antibiotics, injections, blood transfusions, and more.

Some patients living with leukemia may also require a bone marrow transplant. The average cost of this treatment is $250,000 or more. In many cases, patients may require additional treatment after this procedure. Other costly procedures, such as a splenectomy to remove the spleen, may also be required. Additional costs for transportation, hospitalization, supportive care, and other expenses may also be necessary to care for a loved one.

Leukemia – Alternative Treatment

Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) - info update Des 2008
Mrs. Ngatminah, 43 - Indonesia (East Java)
Mrs. Ngatminah, was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) - stage IIA. She couldn't walk and had to have blood transfusions (eight units every week). She then took Typhonium Plus® (TP), two capsules twice per day and followed our DIET guidelines. After two months, she noticed some remarkable results: before, she had to lain on her bed, her face pale and weak. Then she was able to sit, stand, and walk alone as the cancer started to be in control. Before, she needed to take eight units of blood transfusion per week. Now, she’s free from blood transfusions as her condition gets better. Thank God for controlling her disease.

Leukemia - info update Feb 2009
Alexander Oei - Netherland
Patient hospitalized in Germany and suffered from leukemia. He took Typhonium Plus in early September 2008, and after taking Typhonium Plus® (TP), for a few months, the patient had a medical checkup. His doctor in Germany was surprised that his leukocyte level drops drastically. (Note: testimony over a telephone called from the Netherlands - recorded on February 09, 20th 3:25pm.)

Chronic Leukemia (CML) Early Stage - info update Jan 2010
Ms. NM, 35 - Indonesia (Makassar)
Back in July 2009, Ms. NM was diagnosed with CML. It was in early stage and she often experienced a pain and enlarged spleen. She then started taking Typhonium Plus® (TP) two capsules once per day since October 2009. She also followed our DIET guidelines. After taking TP and adopted a healthier life style, she felt better gradually. The pain and bloatedness in her abdomen slowly disappeared, her urine was clear (before it was cloudy and smelly), her appetite improved, and she was able to sleep well again. Thank God for this progress.

Tags: cancer,leukemia treatment,leukemia,alternative cancer treatment
Compiled by: CancerHelps.com


Typhonium Plus a natural supplement from Typhonium flagelliforme. Secara traditional digunakan pada penderita kanker / tumor dan membantu memelihara daya tahan tubuh.

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